Thursday, October 13, 2011

The happiest place on Earth!

We are getting really close to visiting one of our favorite places in the world: Disney World! I have to say that we have been dying with anticipation of our trip, which is right around the corner. Our first ever trip there was right after Ryder's 1st birthday and was a lot of fun!! We had a great time despite the freezing (okay 40-ish degree) weather and rain (hey, there were less crowds)! And also after having gotten into a car accident on the way to the airport.

Then after planning for 2 years to go to Disneyland with my whole family to celebrate my parent's 30th anniversary, Ryder became the sickest he has ever been, for a wedding in Utah then Disneyland. He was literally like a bump on a log, just laying there and in so much pain. After an ER visit, multiple Dr.'s appts., etc. they finally figured out he had a bacterial AND viral infection. It was the WORST! He hardly enjoyed the happiest place on Earth!

Now, after a crazy year with lots of ups and downs, we are heading to Walt Disney World! Say it with me now "Third time's the charm!" Right? Let's hope. So, come rain or shine, sickness or health, we are coming Orlando! And we're gonna party like it's 1999!! Or something like that...

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