We had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's here in Iowa! Definitely as good as can be when we're so far away from loved ones. The only bad part was when my back went out the week of Christmas, but I am glad to say it's been getting lots better since then. Since it's been so cold, we weren't able to go out and play in the snow or anything like that, but we enjoyed being inside by the tree, hanging out together. We watched movies, played games, did puzzles (mostly Paul) and ate good food. Also, we got Lost, seasons 1-5 for Christmas and are now all caught up, and ready for season 6--CAN NOT WAIT! So, since then I've been watching Grey's Anatomy on DVD and getting into it to kill time before Lost starts again...
Now that it's a new year, we are looking ahead to some BIG changes! This past week Ryder started walking!! He is such a speed crawler and all that, that we weren't sure when he'd start going for it. But lo and behold, he started taking his first steps. First just 2 at a time from Paul to me, or the ottoman to the couch, and now it's 4+ steps at a time. He is so awesome! He still prefers to crawl at this time, and who can blame him? It's 10 times faster that way, but he's slowly building up the confidence and motivation to walk more and more. Here is a video of him walking. I tried loading another one with him playing with Jewel, but it didn't work. He LOVES to get down and be like the doggy! I will try again later on that...
And I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's!!!
Oh my gosh, he is so darn cute!! I am so excited for you guys, but now here comes the real trouble. Love Ya!!
I LOVE that you share these videos! I've even called my mom and put the phone to the speaker so she could hear Ryder & his bananas :) so cute! What a little man. and he was born on our anniversary, so I will always know his special day!
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